Wyndson Farm

Friday, June 14, 2024
Friday, January 29, 2021
Kayaking at White Rock
I feel like it's been a depressing winter, overloaded with grey skies and rain, although since I first began this post, we have had some more encouraging weather. To cheer me up I'm going to do some posts from last summer. Posts I meant to do but didn't get around to. Posts where the sun was shining and it was warmer.
This particular day we were going to head to Crescent Beach to recreate our favourite kayak adventure of the summer before. (we would have failed) Alas, it was not meant to be. We got to Crescent Beach before noon on a Saturday, and not a parking spot was to be found. We decided to head back to White Rock, and we'd paddle towards Crescent Beach!
Meredith has this handy dandy little cart that comes apart and can be stored in her kayak. It is awesome, and her kayak is quite heavy and quite a bit longer than ours, so it works well. She pulls hers and Larry and I can carry one end of each of ours together in one trip.
It was a bit of a trip to the water's edge!
Meredith is pretty good at bringing food, and I think I had brought something as well. We paddled to the point we had got to when we had paddled from Crescent Beach. We had quite a stiff headwind on the way there.
The tide was coming in and despite us pulling the kayaks well out of the water, at one point I made a mad dash across the rocks to save one from floating away.
The paddle back went twice as fast.
The next time we were at White Rock we launched at the same place, but paddled east. It was one evening during the week. The tide was in and the water was calm. I spent quite a bit of my childhood at White Rock beach.
Getting close to the pier.
The new section starts just over Meredith's head and goes to the right. Somewhere just behind Larry, on that long thin strip of land just visible under the pier, would be the Peace Arch and the Canada/US border.
A few years ago there was a huge windstorm. Boats broke free from the wharf at the end and were blown into the side of the pier. The huge waves and the wind kept smashing them into the pier, and a lot of damage was done to them both . Enough damage that a whole big section had to be replaced. I think it took over a year to get it done. The pier is a huge attraction at White Rock, it would have been a disastrous loss if it hadn't been repaired and made useable again.
And there's the famous White Rock. It gets a coat of paint every once in a while to keep it white, and is slowly sinking into the sand.
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Heading west towards the sunset.
Looking back east towards the pier and the white rock.
So it's taken us three trips, but now we have kayaked the whole distance from the White Rock pier to Crescent beach, and back again.
I forgot that I had done something to my back that day, and it was kind of sore sitting in the kayak. Paddling didn't bother it, it was the back of the kayak seat that bothered it the most.
The next morning though, I could barely get out of bed and couldn't hobble without supporting myself with a walker or cane. I managed to get an emergency appointment at the chiropractors, and got an adjustment and some exercises to do at home, and walked out of there feeling half way human again. What a relief.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
A couple of years ago now, maybe, a bit of coffee got spilt on the back of my DSLR camera. It was in the spot where the LCD screen folds into, and as far as I could see, that area was sealed, so I didn't think it was a big deal. But it was, and my camera died.
Lately I've been using my phone camera. My phone is a cheap one, so some pictures don't always come out well. I have been trying some pictures on the manual setting, and sometimes I can get some decent ones.
These are from our morning walk one day earlier in the week. We have been lucky just lately, with no rain and sunshine. This picture doesn't do the scene justice, but all those little blobs of moss on an old apple tree were just glowing emerald with the sun shining through them.
Ferns and moss about 6' up on a Big Leaf Maple.
This spot on our trail is called 'At the maples'. A clump of maples all growing from the same spot
I love the bokeh I got with this moss photo.
Last week I picked up an ironing board for 50 cents at the thrift store. We took the legs off and I used double sided tape to stick some rubber mats on it. A ramp for the car. It weighs nothing and just fits in the trunk. It will mostly be used for Luna getting in the car. She can get out okay, but some days can't get in well. She has always been weird about getting in. She stands so far back and takes this flying leap, that lately results in slamming her belly into the edge of the seat. She doesn't like to be lifted, and sits down or backs away. Jake just waits to be lifted in and out, but he could use the ramp too.
We have been meeting Meredith most weekends for a walk. She hasn't been coming over since the Covid restrictions were tightened. Last Sunday we walked around a wetlands not far from where we used to live. The parking lot was almost full and there seemed to be loads of people heading off around the trail. The trail was wide open with room to get well out of the way when other dogs were coming. Luna was a good girl, distance and liver treats made for a good dog.
On our usual afternoon walk around the block, we were really noticing the longer days. We can start at 4:30 now and still get home before dark. Mist rising from the field.
On New Years Eve the tree guys were working in our neighbourhood. I asked them if they would dump their loads at our place. We put a big tarp down at the top of the driveway and they backed up and dumped two loads. Yee Ha!!
Every morning on our way out to the back bush we each push a wheelbarrow's worth out to the garden. I'm covering up a low area with cardboard, and then a few inches of wood chips on top. The cardboard is to stop the grass from growing through the chips. It will rot away over the summer. It's the area where I'm planning on having the squash vines sprawl. On the right where you see the thin white lines on the ground, well that's a long bed that has been spread with chicken manure and then mulched with leaves, and some old electronet fencing laid on top to stop the leaves from blowing away. That's where I'll plant the squash this summer, and then try to direct all the vines over the wood chips. Wish me luck!

Bella melted!
I don't talk about Bella much, but I couldn't resist these pictures. We've never seen her lay like this before! Talk about 'Does this position make me look fat?'
Yes Bella, yes it does!
She is not a small cat and her weight is perfect for her size.
And last but not least, another day this week when we had a beautiful blue sky and clouds afternoon.
These last four were when we did the late afternoon walk, and make it appear darker than it really was.
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