(My apologies to anyone still under a blanket of snow. Don't want it to feel like rubbing salt in a wound)
Mother nature is going wild now. There is green everywhere. Yellow too. The dandelions are in full bloom. First choice of grazing sheep, and Pride likes them too.
Spring hasn't been early for us. The Bartlett pear tree is finally blooming, and so is the cherry tree (although we don't get any fruit off it, but the birds do). The plum trees also are in full bloom.
Grape hyacinths and Forget-me-nots.
Ornamental cherry with regular cherry in the background.
These tulips are just about done, although we do have some that haven't bloomed yet. The weeds are going wild.
The greenhouse is full of seedlings. Kales, cabbages and broccoli. Tomato plants in the one gallon pots.
Zucchini and lemon cucumber seedlings still on the hot mat, which is an old waterbed heater. I have two, and had better look after them, as I don't seem to see them at garage sales and in thrift stores any more.
I've put some of them outside to harden off. Poor things, it wasn't gradual as it should be. I've forgotten to pick them up and put them back in the green house at night.
Carrots finally coming up, with garlic in the background
My best success story this spring. I got lazy and didn't move the pea fencing. Usually my first planting of peas isn't totally successful. I lose a lot to birds, and then the slugs of course. This year I planted them under some narrow strips of gauzy fabric, like stuff that sheer drapes would be made out of .
I clothes pegged the strips together, and to the fencing, and germination and survival has been almost 100%. I think as the peas get taller, I'll move the fabric up a bit, and it will hang down the outside of them and help lean them in towards the fence so that they wrap their little tendrils around it. Usually I have to help them out, but I think my idea will work like a charm.
This morning I finally got some potatoes planted, only about a month and a half later than I like.
And a note about the Sun Run. There was a lady in the 80-84 year old category that did the 10 K a minute faster than me. Is that motivation or what?
Or how about the lady in the 95-99 year old category (yes, there were two participants in that division). They both finished, the fastest one in 1 hour and 35 minutes. I find that mind boggling.
Planning on going out for a run after supper tonight. I've got a lot to live up to.