Well that's me, not being organized and actually being able to wish my daughter a Happy Birthday in front of the world my ten readers, on the day of her birth.
Meredith though, was not a day late, but was 10 days early, and cost me a week's work. So I guess I'm more than a dollar short. Oh, but she made up for it....I think:)
All 8 lbs 3 1/2 oz of her then, (thank goodness, at that weight, that she was early)
and all 5'10" of her now. I'll leave off the weight part, she'll love me more if I do that.
She loved to read at an early age. And speaking of reading, did you know, Meredith, that we incurred some library fines due to your early birth? We were occupied with things other than returning library books.
She started to drink at an early age, but we put an end to that. On the bright side though, due to those early experiences with alcohol, she mostly got turned off the 'demon drink', and can now be counted on to be the designated driver.
And speaking of drink, what goes in, must come out.
She could be a bit of a princess sometimes
Meri, Meri, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells,
and the corn all lined up in a row.
And I don't think I was ever able to convince her to do any gardening for me again.
She was an animal lover
Bridie (Lab) and Megan
And she started riding at an early age, shown here with cousin Daniel
Daniel, I don't seem to have received my pay-off. I do have the full monty picture too. Just saying....
I think this photo was taken the day we made the HUGE mistake of taking her into Vancouver with us to do another tour around Expo 86. How hard could it be, we thought, we'll take the stroller and she can ride in that. After all, she had been a pretty easy baby, and wasn't a difficult toddler. Well it was hell!!! I can't remember too many details, other than she insisted on pushing the stroller around herself, wouldn't take a nap, and can't remember anything about the exhibition, other than how awful the whole day was.
Smudge , oops, age related memory loss, that's Muffin above and
Mama Pussy below.
Yeah, it was kind of embarrassing to have to give that cat's name at the vet's.
She was a stray that showed up and had three kittens, so we took her to be spayed.
And since you are such a cat lover, Meredith, it's real handy to remember that in cold weather like this, when we have to put out a litter box for Smudge, that she really is your cat.
Enjoy your birthday present.
Happy Birthday! Love Mum xxxxxxx